Monday, June 27, 2011

Stephen Soos – Crowd Sourcing as a Means to Revitalize your Business

Yours may be a start up venture or an existing business which needs new ideas to move up to the level. In any case, crowd sourcing can come handy for you to redefine your business strategies and achieve rewarding feedback's from it in near future. Stephen Soos believes that it is one of the most effective ways of business development in modern context. In short, it is a method of outsourcing tasks to a community or unspecified group of people through an open call. 

On contrary to what most of us believe, there are several people in the world who do not mind spending their valuable time and energy in sharing their knowledge with some unknown but like-minded person. It gives them pleasure and satisfaction and the best part is that they do not expect any recognition or monetary rewards for this. This is how the most useful online encyclopedia namely ‘Wikipedia’ was created. So, Stephen Soos thinks that you can use this model for getting pioneering concepts and exceptional services from highly intelligent amateurs in any field.

You can get services which are no less efficient than what you used to purchase from professional service providers at high rates. So, why not give it a try? However, you should have proper knowledge on how things work here to make the most of this crowd sourcing model. Stephen Soos predicts that this is going to the future of any business model. Majority of business managers will stress on crowd sourcing and utilize its strengths to get fresh ideas and impeccable services from the crowd.